woohoo farewell party

Yeeeayyy farewell party was held in my school. Very crowded and full of happiness. Some of my friends are cried, when she knows, that she can't be together with her friends again. But not anymore, cos maybe they get the same school after that. ;) I gave a welcome speech, and my teachers said that my speech is so beautiful, haha I was surprised, don't believe it, cos I think that speech is so ordinary and hard to memories.haha. The girls were wearing dress, but some of the girls wore jeans (included me), and don't forget, they were wearing high heels (o o, that's not my type.heehee so I wore converse --"). Games, Bands, Vocal Groups, Dances and many more just held for us.haha The time is up, so we got to say bye to our teacher :"( this part is the sadness part. But I don't know why, why the hell was my tears cannot spilled out? But my heart screamed to cry.huhu. I this this is a beautiful farewell ever ;)

P.S: to Citra (my girl friend) don't be angry with that girl. Just think this "she was so annoying because she was jealous to me." haha.

P.S: to Prima (My bestie) hey, don't forget me LOL I know we can meet each other some day :) heehee

P:S: to all STRADA 25: good luck to you friends, bright future is coming to us haha



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